
Iyengar Yoga Supta Baddha Konasana

“Todd is the reason I have stayed with Iyengar yoga for over a decade. He is an excellent instructor with deep expertise and passion for teaching. His Iyengar yoga teaching approach goes well beyond instructions and motions. He has taught me a way of thinking and practice that applies to not just the body but also the mind.”

—Amita Shetty

Iyengar Yoga Marichyasana III

"I had the pleasure of taking Todd's classes at Yoga Circle when I lived in Chicago from 2013-2014, and now online from 2020 to present. His sequencing is inventive, brilliant, and challenging. The way he deconstructs poses always leaves me thinking long after class has ended, and he inspires his students to examine their yoga practice from multiple perspectives. I appreciate his keen observations and the philosophy he weaves into his classes. Plus he's hilarious!"

—Erin Dowdy

Iyengar Yoga Supta Padangusthasana

“I started taking Todd’s in person class a decade ago. I took classes from him at least twice a week, and often included a two and a half hour class on Sunday. When I started, I thought Yoga was kind of a false workout. Virtually every yoga class I had tried didn’t fit with me. I had tried Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga.  Nothing stuck. A friend urged me to take Todd’s class.  It is truly different. I learned not only about the physical body in Todd’s class, but the mind. I moved out of Chicago, and take virtual classes now from Las Vegas. Todd’s instruction is clear. I know where to position my body to get into the pose. Todd clearly watches everyone in class and corrects them even though it is virtual. I practice on my own now, and because of Todd’s instruction, I know what to look for in both my body and mind, and can put together an hour to hour and a half practice in my own home. 

During Covid, I began to take Todd’s virtual class. The instruction and care he takes is every bit as good as his in person class. 

Prior to doing Iyengar Yoga with Todd, I had a lot of aches and pains. I was 50. My back ached. My knees ached. I remember my first trip when I was going to miss Todd’s class. I actually rented an AirBnb that was designed for Yoga so I could do a practice. Now at age 60, I have a lot less pain. I have more freedom of movement.  When I play golf with my same age friends, my swing is a lot more flexible than theirs. I am able to do things longer. When I feel tight or pain, I know exactly what to do to solve for it. Hope to see you in class.”

— Jeff Carter

Iyengar Yoga  Bhujangasana

“There are few teachers of Todd's caliber. He is insightful, attentive to his students, and dedicated to Yoga. His insistence that we learn to recognize the inevitable flaws in our practice has helped me over the years build a resilient and rewarding home yoga practice.”

—Marcus Lampert

“I have been practicing yoga for almost 30 years with a wide variety of traditions, studios and teachers and I always come back to Todd. His teaching is joyful, precise and informative, challenging me to see and understand the subtleties of my body. I am 60 years old, with more physical and mental strength and suppleness than I had at 40, thanks to Todd’s instruction, philosophy, and advice on preventing or treating injury. One caveat, if you are looking for a class where the instruction is simply “breathe and feel beautiful” and then you fall asleep, Todd’s class isn’t for you. You will breathe. And you will feel beautiful. You will rest. But first you will work.”

—Laura Kofoid

“‘Do you want to comfortably plateau?’ If the answer is no, then you must take Todd's classes and keep on coming back for more. He is a master teacher to help you ignite tiny muscles that you didn't know you have.  Your femurs will thank you and your abdomen muscles will start working even off of the mat. He will show you how you can fool yourself into thinking you are in the pose but you actually let go of another body part to get there. He will provide many different demonstrations until you understand what body part you need to engage to move into the pose and then find the sweet release. His classes are mind and body shifting.”

—Renee Wetstein

“I have known and studied with Todd for approximately twenty years and have watched him evolve into a perceptive, insightful and caring yoga teacher. As an adherent of Iyengar style yoga he is able to synthesize aspects of the pose for the individual practitioner without compromising Iyengar style methodology. I feel fortunate to be a long time student of his and always enjoy his humor and creative approach while teaching. ”

—Debra Yates